Victor Dheur


Bâtiment De Vinci

Avenue Victor

Maistriau 15

7000 Mons, Belgium

About me

I am a PhD student in the Big Data and Machine Learning Lab at the University of Mons (UMONS), advised by Souhaib Ben Taieb. My research revolves around uncertainty quantification and probabilistic models in machine/deep learning.

Topics I am currently interested in include calibration, proper scoring rules, and conformal prediction in the context of regression problems, mostly on neural network models and tabular datasets. I am also interested in generative models such as normalizing flows, energy-based models and diffusion models.

Selected publications

  1. Probabilistic Calibration by Design for Neural Network Regression
    Victor Dheur, and Souhaib Ben Taieb
    In The 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2024
  2. Distribution-Free Conformal Joint Prediction Regions for Neural Marked Temporal Point Processes
  3. A Large-Scale Study of Probabilistic Calibration in Neural Network Regression
    Victor Dheur, and Souhaib Ben Taieb
    In The 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2023